Wonderland Adventures Editor


One important aspect for Wonderland Adventures puzzles is magic. In this tutorial we’ll look at creating the magic gloves (you’ll start each adventure empty handed, so the gloves need to be picked up first) and magic spell plates.

Start the 3D Level editor. Let’s create a basic obstacle: water to be crossed.

There are three ways we can cross water using magic. We can “Blink” across, freeze a path across using “Brrr” or operate a bridge button (which, if it is on the other side of the water, requires the “Pop” spell).

But first we need magic gloves. Go to Items/CustomItems. Select the Function “Magic Gloves” (right click to avoid having to go through a long list of other functions) and the matching Texture (as shown), then place your gloves.

Now select the Magic/MagicGloves object, and place one each of “Pop”, “Brrr”, and “Blink”. “Blink” and “Brrr” allow us to cross the water immediately. For “Pop” to be useful, we’ll need, for example, a Transporter and a Button. But a default Red Toggle button on the other side of the water. Then place a default Bridges/Transporter object as shown.

You are now set. Place a Gold Star on the other side (so the adventure can be won). Save the level as “Tutorial4/1”. Create a Master File for the adventure (use Starting Position X=1, Y=1) and save it as “Tutorial4”.

You’re now ready to play the adventure and cross the water in a variety of ways.