Hidden Safety

Position each character by a separate transporter with Loof going down first.

Full Solution:

Loof to push right ice-block right, the lower ice-block down, and then the original ice-block up 2.

Qookie to push ice-block up 1 to trap the UFO in 3 squares top right. Stinky to push lower ice-block down, left ice-block left 2, go up & around to push the very top ice-block right 2 to trap UFO in the top right square. Stinky to go left 1 to below red transporter. Loof to push lower ice-block down 1 to gain access to yellow transporter. Qookie to push left ice-block left 3 and go down 1 to access green transporter. Peegue to push right ice-block 1 right and then go around to blue transporter.

Loof must go down the yellow transporter first, evade the UFO, collect 2 bonus coins and then use the grey & subsequent transporters to collect all of the keys and reach the Rainbow Star. The green face indicates the path to the transporters, and the UFO cannot get any of the characters once they are at a transporter.

\ Repeat the above with Stinky, Loof & Peegue in any sequence to finish and to collect the Rainbow Star.