The Enemy

Hint: Don't use a box to cover the button.

Full Solution:

There are many types of generators. This level has a metal box generator. After rolling the boulder, grab the coin in the upper left, then run and stand above the boulder. Once the loose chompers start making their way toward you, roll the boulder downward destroying the 2 chompers. Dodging the cannons, roll the boulder from left to right, then from bottom to top. Again dodging the cannons, next push the boulder right to left to cover the button. Now begins the task of pushing metal boxes into the lava to build a bridge to "chomper island". After grabbing each rainbow coin, run back to safety and lure each chomper, one at a time, to their demise either by cannon fire or by electo tiles. Grabbing the last coin will require split second timing as it's directly in the line of cannon fire.

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