World 10 - Level 8
Let's go for a Walk

Carefully (!!!) move the box to the red "X" (step-by-step if necessary). Once the Kaboom! has walked past (clockwise) the box, move Stinky to the yellow "X".

And now get ready to take the Kaboom! for a walk... push the box along the yellow path just as the Kaboom walks along the green path. Push to fast and you'll catch up with the Kaboom! and.... well.... KABOOM!!! Push to slow and the Kaboom! will get in front of the box and walk into the center of the level, where it will be destroyed. You'll need to develop a solid rythm to make it to the next island.

Take a break and relax your nerves. You'll have to do this two more times to get the Kaboom! all the way around the level. At the final island (lower-left corner) make sure that you get Stinky into position to trap the Kaboom! at the green circle right away! You only get one chance or the Kaboom! escapes again.

Phew!!! Now collect Coins and Bonus Coins, and exit.