Wonderland Game
THE MIDNIGHT POST * February 2014
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The Wonderland Adventures Editor

It's been terrific to read about your adventures on the Planet of the Z-Bots, both the struggles ("Argh! This level is tough!") and the successes ("Hooray! I did it!"). Now, some of you have already explored every nook and cranny of the many worlds in the game, while others are just getting started on their journey.

So we're excited to announce that the Wonderland Adventures Editor is close to release. It will allow anyone interested to create their own adventures and share them with other players, keeping the game fresh and exciting almost indefinitely. Best of all, the editor will be free for all registered users of Wonderland Adventures Planet of the Z-Bots.

Now, it should be noted that the Wonderland Editing System is quite complex, as it gives you 100% control of the many features of the game. You will definitely need to check out the online guides, start small and simple, and be patient. However, we are also looking at ways to make complete new adventures easily accessible to those of you who would rather not deal with the editor.

We're still putting together the last few pieces of the puzzle, but it's getting close. Watch for the announcement of the final release on the Discussion Forum or our Twitter stream in the coming weeks.

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